Top 5 Things We Find Missing From WordPress Websites – How Many Do You Have?

Whether you’ve created your WordPress website yourself or paid a professional to create it for you, there are some things we find that are often missing from websites when we’re contacted to provide support for a website.

How many of these do you have missing from your website?

Investigating WordPress Websites

Website Backup Plugin 

Your website is an asset and so needs to be protected, from outsiders and sometimes even from people within your business who may not understand everything about your website.

What is a website backup? It’s a copy of your website that ideally is sent away from your hosting to the cloud. If any errors occur on your website or something important is deleted a website backup can be used to restore your website to get you up and running quickly again.

This is why regular website backups are important. How often depends on your type of website. A busy online shop may need more frequent backups than a pure information website that does not get updated very often.

Updraftplus is a popular backup plugin that has a free version that can send a website backup to the cloud.

Website antivirus check

Websites need to be technically updated regularly, if not weekly then at least monthly. If WordPress websites are not updated then they can become a security risk. If a plugin (a small program to add a function to your website) has been abandoned and is still on your website that can leave a door open for hackers to get in. They can leave programs on your website that you don’t realise are there unless you have an antivirus checker on your website.

One of the most popular is Wordfence, which has a free version. This plugin can be useful in several ways. It runs an antivirus scan daily, it checks plugins and themes against those in the WordPress directory to let you know of any changes in the code and it will send you an email if it finds any updates to be done. This means that if you do not log into the back end of your website regularly, then the email will let you know when updates are required.

The website purpose

Have you ever been to a website and wonder why the business has it? Before a website is even created you need to know the purpose of the website. Is it there to bring in leads? For information? To add to your business credibility? To make sales?

What is the purpose of your website? We have had some business owners tell us that they had a website because every other business has one. While it’s true that we believe every business can have a website, it actually needs to exist for a purpose, otherwise, there is no point in having one.

Call to Action

A call to action is what you want the website visitor to do next. It can be booking an appointment, buying something, signing up for a free survey. Whatever it is, it needs to be clear and fit in where the website visitor is on their customer journey. For example, it may be a hard sell trying to sell a high-end product costing several thousand dollars to a website visitor who knows nothing about your business. They may have been looking for some free information.

Contact Details

One business owner came to us complaining that he never received calls from his website. Within a week he was saying that we were geniuses because he was receiving calls. Of course, we didn’t want to disagree. Would you like to know our secret?

The genius change we made to his website was to make his phone number clickable so it could be dialled from a smartphone and then we added it to the top and bottom of his website.

Often web visitors have to go to the menu, click on contact us, scroll down the page and then hopefully they can click on a phone number to call your business. Sometimes that’s too hard. Your website needs to make it simple (remember keep it simple sweetheart) for web visitors to contact you. All phone numbers and email addresses should be clickable so people can call or email your business easily.

Your mission (if you choose to accept it)

Check your own website to see if you are missing any of the 5 items above.

If none of the items are missing, we congratulate you. Your website is better than a lot of websites that come to us.

If you are missing some of them, don’t panic. If you want some help to sort out what’s missing please book in a 30-minute chocolate and a chat complimentary session so we can see what help you need and together we can create a plan to help.

1 thought on “Top 5 Things We Find Missing From WordPress Websites – How Many Do You Have?”

  1. Pingback: 6 do's and 6 don'ts for your successful WordPress website - KISS WP Websites

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